“Hear” Articles Nominated For 2007 National Newspaper Awards |
Audio versions of selected 2007 National Newspaper Awards (NNA) nominees are now available online for all to hear.
“No one should miss the opportunity to listen to the best of Canadian journalism,” says Arlene Patterson, VoicePrint’s new Managing Director. “Thanks to our ongoing partnership with the NNAs and the alliance between the country's newspapers and VoicePrint, 5 million Canadians can independently access the printed news and information they need in order to stay up to date on what’s happening in the world, in Canada, in their region and in their own communities."
The following newspapers (each with journalists nominated for a 2007 NNA) can be accessed at VoicePrint's special Volunteer Awards webpage. Visitors can hear one of VoicePrint’s volunteers read an NNA-nominated article from:
The NNAs are country’s top prizes for journalism and will be handed out during the 58th National Newspaper Awards ceremony in Winnipeg on Friday, May 11.
For more information:
Frances Cowley
1.800.567.6755 ext. 223
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